Become a Partner

Partner to Spread The Simple Good

We partner with schools, community-based organizations, and artists to provide Art-based social emotional learning (SEL) and mindfulness-based programs.

Because of visionary partners like you, we’ve been able to serve:



Students Globally


Communities Globally

Hear a simple good story from our partner!

Partner Application

Preferred contact method *

Are you looking for adult or youth programming? *

Are you interested in art-based SEL during school hours or after school/evening?  *

Do students/individuals at your school/organization currently have social / emotional learning support?  *

Do students/individuals at your school/organization currently have access to art classes?  *

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Be a part of The Simple Good

Our Partners

Meet the remarkable partners who share our vision and amplify our impact. Together, we're creating a global tapestry of change, woven with the threads of collaboration and shared purpose.